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Situ Bagendit Story

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In ancient times there lived a wealthy widow, named Nyai Bagendit.

He lived in a village in West Java.

Nyai Bagendit have treasures abound.

However, he is very stingy and greedy.

He is also very arrogant, especially on poor people.

One day Nyai Bagendit hold salvation because his property multiply.

When salvation is in progress, there came a beggar.

The situation is very pathetic beggar.

Her body is very skinny and his clothes in tatters.

"Please Nyai, give the food a little slave," the beggar was begging.

Seeing an old beggar, dirty rags into his house, Nyai Bagendit was angry and expelled it beggars.

"Beggars shameless dirty, you go from my house," snapped Nyai Bagendit.

With a sad beggar went away.

The next day society preoccupied with the emergence of a stick stuck in the village street.

Everyone was trying to pull a stick.

However, nothing worked.

Old beggar who asked to eat at Nyai Bagendit reappeared.

Quickly he can revoke it stick.

Immediately exit the shower water is very swift.

The longer the water was getting heavy.

For fear of flood, the villagers were displaced.

Nyai Bagendit a greedy miser and would not leave his house.

He was very fond of his property.

Finally, he sank along with their possessions.

Another resident who survived.

Perhaps, that's the origin of the lake who later called Situ Bagendit.

Mandate: "So people do not be stingy, arrogant, and greedy of wealth."

Value: "Moral, in everyday life."


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