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Weeping Stone

Sunday, April 24, 2011

In a remote village, lived a girl and her mother. The girl was beautiful. Unfortunately, he's very lazy. He did not want to help her mother make a living. Every day she was just dressing up. Every day, she admired her beauty in the mirror. In addition to lazy, she is also spoiled. Whatever is requested, must be granted. Of course, this situation made her very sad.

One day her mother asked her daughter to accompany him to the market. "It's okay, but I do not want to walk together with my mother. My mother had to walk behind me, "he said. Although sad, her mother agreed. They moved them both down the hill hand in hand. The girl walked in front, the mother walked behind, carrying baskets.

Although they are mother and child, they look different. As if they did not come from the same family. How could I not? Her beautiful dress is very nice. Who's her mother's old look and dress is very simple.

On the way, no one greeted them. "Hi pretty girl, whether the person behind you is your mother?" Asked the man. "Of course not. He is the servant, "she said. How sad to hear her mother. But she's just quiet. His heart was crying. That continuously. Any person who greeted and asked who the old lady with her, she always said that aides.

Old-old mother hurt. He also prayed. "Yes, Lord, punish the child who is ungrateful," he said. Mother's prayer was heard. Slowly, her legs turned to stone. The change that occurs from the foot upward. "Mother, mother! Forgive me. Forgive me! "She cried frantically. The girl kept crying and crying. But it's too late. Her whole body was finally turned to stone. Even so, people can still see him shed tears. Therefore the stone was named "Stone Crying"


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