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Success story of Mike Lazaridis, creator of the Blackberry mobile phone

Friday, May 20, 2011

VISIONARY, innovators. The first one could see far into the future. Secondly, it creates something that is needed by people to live comfortably in conditions in the future. Those two words together in a silver-haired man named Mike Lazaridis. He was a maniac from childhood tinkering electronic goods and do not finish college majoring in Electrical Engineering. He's dropped out, only two months before graduation at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He prefers busy company that he founded while in college.

Traces of his work is probably now in your grasp. He is the creator of smart phone called the BlackBerry, which revolutionized and changed the map and the future of phone technology cerdas.Hingga June this year RIM, Researh in Motion - the company who defended Mike-Stand up to no time to graduation, which manufactures the BlackBerry it - recorded sales of more than 100 million units.

Before developing the BlackBerry, RIM in 1999 worked with RAM Mobile Data and Ericsson cell phone company is earlier known, develop Mobitex. This is a mobile data device pioneered by Ericsson.Hasilnya? Inter @ ctive Pager was launched 950. August 2000 began to be marketed this product. The size is about the size of bath soap. In the market it competes with SkyTel, similar products - are both two-way pager - courtesy of Motorola. This product is not successful in the market. Anyway pager era quickly once so ancient.

Try, note that brand names: Mobitex, Inter @ ctive Pager. The names which now seemed very tacky, is not it? That is why, in 2002, when RIM is going to develop new products Mike did not want to carelessly nama.Produk love it, which we later gilai as the BlackBerry, has push e-mail facilities, can menyelancari internet, text communication and of course can call. What a suitable name to summarize all the benefits of it?

Branding Lexico cursing RIM services in California. A brand consulting firm. David Placek, Lexicon's boss at first looking for a name that can highlight the ability of e-mail the new smart devices. Mentor. Finally, set other terms: the new name it should seem more natural, entertaining and fun. "Anyway, can lower blood pressure," said Placek. One of the drafting team's name one day noticed little black keyboard on the Blackberry prototype. In his eyes looked like a watermelon seed composition. Then begin to trace the names based on the impression that, from strawberries to melons, until the names of other fruit.

Nothing is satisfying before finally reaching the BlackBerry said, good to hear this word and fits well with jet-black color of the object. "BlackBerry easily embedded in memory, better than names like ProMail or MegaMail," said Placel. I think, if two names 'Animashaun' is used, the BlackBerry is not as successful now.

BlackBerry is now sold in 91 countries, cooperating with 500 operators, and controls 20.8 percent of smart phone market. Only outdone by Nokia Syimbian OS.Placel also now have a potent formula of the brands, learn from the success of BlackBerry, "If the product you want to attention, do not use a name that describes something, you must create a new concept," he said.

BlackBerry is a product that grab attention. With her customers feel privileged and addiction. To the extent Websers New Word Dictionary chose the word Crackberry to "Cool New Words of 2006", mengalahkah "netroot" and "neuroeconomic". Crackberry addicts refer to the BlackBerry. Crack is a synonym of cocaine, which is easy to make dependence, is not it?

Each unit of the BlackBerry is unique, because it is marked with a PIN code with a combination of eight numbers and letters that users can communicate via text thanks to the BlackBerry Messenger.

Mike Lazaridis, born March 14, 1961, in Istanbul Turkey. Her parents blooded Greek. At the age of five years, he joined his family moved to Canada. They settled in Windsor, Ontario.

Mike has demonstrated the talent, ingenuity and perseverance since childhood. At the age of 12 years, in 1979, he won the prize of the Windsor Public Library because he had read all the books the library science collection. Since childhood she opiate of reading. I can not imagine, what if his talent in the city no good public libraries. Maybe a talent that will go to waste.

Mike was lucky because the parents and the school environment it is possible that he developed his talent and his interest in electronics.

In 1979, he began studying at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It was here he began to pioneer the rim. In 1984, during a student, Mike participated in the bidding contest automotive giant General Motors. Her project is to design a display system controller computer network. He won and to a prize of labor contract worth 500 thousand U.S. dollars.

With the capital was the result of the employment contract, plus a small loan from the Canadian government and owe it to her parents, Mike with his friend Mike Barnstijn, and Douglas Fregin began to pioneer the rim. One of the achievements of the company, before BlackBerry was successfully developed barcode.

Look, there's always a way to realize a vision. What we need is to formulate a strong vision, sharpen vision, and constantly tries. That's what can we learn from Mike Lazaridis and BlackBerry.

History records many industries in the world's great companies, great inventor finally collapsed. How RIM and BlackBerry survive? Focus and enhance the benefits of the product. "We have employees of 14 thousand people who only think of one product: the BlackBerry and its services," said Mike.

When the economic crisis forcing people melacikan phones, the crowds still leaving a BlackBerry in hand. Why? "BlackBerry five times more efficient, for example, to send and reply to e-mail, and we have a longer lasting battery," said Mike.


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