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10 ways to satisfy customers

Friday, March 12, 2010

1. Accessible.
Customers must be menggandalkan you, or someone within the company, if they have questions or they need your services. Provide several ways for customers to contact you, such as email, phone, e-mail, or fax.

2. Respond on time.
Make a policy to answer the phone or e-mail within 24 hours. And if you can not commit to that, then set a time frame that you can manage and let customers know they can rely on you to inform them in a given time.

3. Listening to your customers.
Often when customers call or write a complaint, they just want to be heard. In fact, sometimes, you just need to listen. Take time to listen to what customers are saying before you respond or defend your product or service. And they will understand.

4. Treat customers with respect.
Although existing customers on the phone acting irrational, rude, do not lower yourself to their level by doing the same thing. Treat everyone with respect and vice versa you will be respected. Plus, you never know someone's having a bad day, and you receive the effects (we all do).

5. Do not argue with your customers.
You can never win an argument with a customer. Because, if you win, you seemed to alienate your customers and lose business with them. We all know that if the customer is not always right, but instead focus on what is wrong and defend yourself, focus on how you can solve problems or improve the situation.

6. Honor your commitment.
If you say you'll answer the e-mail, then the answer. If you offer a warranty, then respect that. There is no one thing more quickly damage relations with customers other than promising something and not deliver.

Last week I got an e-mail from a client who then made me realize how much of this. Here's what he wrote:

"Thank you very much for your quick response and comprehensive. Personal interest, attention and enthusiasm is evident. Many business owners who promised to respond and answer it personally, but they seldom do ... "

Yes, I need time to answer e-mails. But I promised to give email support to all clients who purchase 10 Step Marketing System and is therefore important to honor that commitment. If I'm to the point where I no longer able to respond because the volume of requests or other time commitments, I will stop offering these services, not just stop responding.

7. Do what you say.
If you said you'd call someone on Tuesday, then call on Tuesday. Simple as that. If you want customers to trust and believe in you, you have to follow what you say.

8. Focus on customer relationships, not sales.
The success of your business in the long run lies in your ability to build relationships with customers in the long term. If you sacrifice the relationship to generate short-term sales, your business will be short lived.

9. Honest.
Do not exaggerate the results obtained from the product or service. Do not promise things you can not meet to generate sales. I saw in many of the current web; fast-paced everything. This obnoxious people in buying the product, and then the product is not delivered. Are customers will come back to buy from these places? No demikan. Being honest and open with what could be your products and services.

10. Admitted if it makes mistakes.
No one is perfect. We've made a mistake; this part of the study. So, when you make a mistake do not try to cover up or deny it. Acknowledge and if necessary, do something to improve the situation. Customers will appreciate it and they will become loyal customers.


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