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The Power Of Missions

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can someone run a life without a clear mission? Sometimes a lot of people around us who make decisions without bothering to think long about what he wants to accomplish in her life. Many of us do not flog yourself to find answers as to why he behaves in certain situations. For example, parents who divorced because of emotional and angry at your partner, without thinking of her son and daughter nasih. In this situation we can meilihat that the priorities to make their child happy, safe and comfortable, not be the basis of a decision. There was a company owner who grew up with his company, then sell it and reap huge profits from the acquisition of the company. Once acquired, it no longer looked serious work on enterprise development and to stop investing. Here we might wonder, what the mission of the owner? In this situation, he could still influence the employee to continue to innovate? Would he then be able to answer the collective interests of other stakeholders?

From this situation we can see how someone can lose their way and power is not clear if the mission itself. In leadership situations, the followers will be confused by a leader who is not clear where the team will be taken. In contrast, leaders who have the intellectual mission of subordinates, can act decisively, even hard, to his men who are reluctant to learn. My friend, a successful businessman, principled: "Just the company, people, and the industry must move on". Sounds like a tagline GANEFO Sukarno era, "Onward, never retreat". However, clarity of mission that makes all the employees so do not dare to not forward, active and aggressive in his work.

Includes mission
I think we need to go back to realize that the mission is more powerful than just money. The story of Chris Gardner raised his glass to the screen saying: "Your pursuit determines your happiness." We can actually check out, whether at the end of life we'll be saying: "I did what I was created to do. I contributed to this world in a significant manner. "

Every time our actions lead to the achievement of the mission, we must necessarily feel happy and enjoy life more and more to our mission. With a clear mission, we can ward off the temptation is stronger, whether it is wealth, office and facilities. The mission will automatically become a benchmark that makes us become more evident in decisions and actions. Mission can be said like a magnet that prevents us "stay on track".


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