Tips for success
Sunday, May 29, 2011
feeling depressed and sad without juntrungan. Live each day with a heart full of gratitude. Think of Bill Porter. If he could be a
successful salesman, whatever you want really can surely be achieved.
* Two *, learn as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow. Mohandas Gandhi once said so, "Live as if you were the resource persons to die tomorrow, learn as if you were the resource persons to live forever." Learning continues, continue to upgrade themselves in various ways both require effort and effortlessly.
* Three, * every skill there must be users. This I can from one of my friends blonda a woman from San Diego.
Crystal is my best friend ever membesarkah my heart, "There are all Kinds of writers, there are all Kinds of readers." When I was down because they feel incompetent to fight with local authors here, Crystal reminds that there's every kind of writer readers
(Niche). Find your niche, so you find your place in the world.
* Four *, open your own way, original. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Do not Go Nowhere May the path leads, go instead Nowhere 'there is no path and leave a trail."
* Five, * learn to love what you have, rather than daydream about what you do not have. Use whatever you have at hand, the dream will come true only if you use the instrument visible now.
* Six *, see what the look and see what is not visible. Use the vision and mission to get to know what you want to go. Often, what is not visible is the blue print for your success. Once seen, it would be a kind of de ja vu.
* Seven *, swallow the bitterness of life and be prepared to welcome the new day. Every day is a new day. Wake up each morning with a curious heart will be what will you experience that day. Be excited, be Courageous to start the day.
* Eight, * the more you give, the more you will receive. The more you give, the more you get in return. In marketing, this might be called the tactics of public relations or publicity. However, in everyday life, it also applies without diselipi with a certain lure. I myself have proved it. The more we give (in the broad sense, not limited to money and material), the greater the rewards and blessings we receive.
* Nine *, be a mentor yourself. What would Oprah do? That's what I use as a measure. I did not choose the Prophet or state authorities, but a colored woman who has turned his own fate became one of those influential in the world.
* Ten *, I exist with or without my body. At least once a day, I remind myself that life is not forever. So the best did according to the present as well. Do not wait-wait longer. "Just do it," Cher said in the Farewell Concertnya several years ago. I do my best every chance I have. Did according setiapkesempatan best, because it might be the last.
Remember success is not objective, nor travel. Success is a mindset. Not only go cogito er sum (I think therefore I am), but the sum ego prosperitas (success is me).
* Source *:
Ten Tips Sukses Right Here, Right Now by Jennie S. Bev.
Jennie S. Bev is a Prolific author and co-author of 17 books and
over 850 articles published in the United States, Canada, UK,
France, Germany, Singapore and Indonesia.
meaning a success
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It sounds bold and overconfident? Maybe, obviously thousands and even millions of human beings "success" of the world's human alias like-minded champions have this mindset.
Do you need to be Wimbledon tennis champion or a champion-level golf professionals in the PGA Pebble Beach to be called "success"? Do you need to drive a Corvette and Lexus hybrid SUV? Obviously not. A champion mentality bermindset aka "successful people" could be just a salesman only.
Take the example of Bill Porter, a salesman door-to-door from Portland, Oregon who was born with cerebral palsy. He was on foot at least 10
miles per day for 40 years with a limp every day without complaining. Remarkably, because the left side of his body not working
normal person, he is actually very difficult to walk upright and speak clearly. (Read, the movie "Door to Door" and the book
titled "Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter" by Shelly Brady.) With mediocre earnings from a salesman door to door, obviously in the eyes of ordinary oang he does not include the category of "successful financially."
However, for me, Bill Porter is one of the most successful people in the world that I admire very much. One of my goals is to meet face to face with him one day.
Success story of Mike Lazaridis, creator of the Blackberry mobile phone
Friday, May 20, 2011
Traces of his work is probably now in your grasp. He is the creator of smart phone called the BlackBerry, which revolutionized and changed the map and the future of phone technology cerdas.Hingga June this year RIM, Researh in Motion - the company who defended Mike-Stand up to no time to graduation, which manufactures the BlackBerry it - recorded sales of more than 100 million units.
Before developing the BlackBerry, RIM in 1999 worked with RAM Mobile Data and Ericsson cell phone company is earlier known, develop Mobitex. This is a mobile data device pioneered by Ericsson.Hasilnya? Inter @ ctive Pager was launched 950. August 2000 began to be marketed this product. The size is about the size of bath soap. In the market it competes with SkyTel, similar products - are both two-way pager - courtesy of Motorola. This product is not successful in the market. Anyway pager era quickly once so ancient.
Try, note that brand names: Mobitex, Inter @ ctive Pager. The names which now seemed very tacky, is not it? That is why, in 2002, when RIM is going to develop new products Mike did not want to carelessly nama.Produk love it, which we later gilai as the BlackBerry, has push e-mail facilities, can menyelancari internet, text communication and of course can call. What a suitable name to summarize all the benefits of it?
Branding Lexico cursing RIM services in California. A brand consulting firm. David Placek, Lexicon's boss at first looking for a name that can highlight the ability of e-mail the new smart devices. Mentor. Finally, set other terms: the new name it should seem more natural, entertaining and fun. "Anyway, can lower blood pressure," said Placek. One of the drafting team's name one day noticed little black keyboard on the Blackberry prototype. In his eyes looked like a watermelon seed composition. Then begin to trace the names based on the impression that, from strawberries to melons, until the names of other fruit.
Nothing is satisfying before finally reaching the BlackBerry said, good to hear this word and fits well with jet-black color of the object. "BlackBerry easily embedded in memory, better than names like ProMail or MegaMail," said Placel. I think, if two names 'Animashaun' is used, the BlackBerry is not as successful now.
BlackBerry is now sold in 91 countries, cooperating with 500 operators, and controls 20.8 percent of smart phone market. Only outdone by Nokia Syimbian OS.Placel also now have a potent formula of the brands, learn from the success of BlackBerry, "If the product you want to attention, do not use a name that describes something, you must create a new concept," he said.
BlackBerry is a product that grab attention. With her customers feel privileged and addiction. To the extent Websers New Word Dictionary chose the word Crackberry to "Cool New Words of 2006", mengalahkah "netroot" and "neuroeconomic". Crackberry addicts refer to the BlackBerry. Crack is a synonym of cocaine, which is easy to make dependence, is not it?
Each unit of the BlackBerry is unique, because it is marked with a PIN code with a combination of eight numbers and letters that users can communicate via text thanks to the BlackBerry Messenger.
Mike Lazaridis, born March 14, 1961, in Istanbul Turkey. Her parents blooded Greek. At the age of five years, he joined his family moved to Canada. They settled in Windsor, Ontario.
Mike has demonstrated the talent, ingenuity and perseverance since childhood. At the age of 12 years, in 1979, he won the prize of the Windsor Public Library because he had read all the books the library science collection. Since childhood she opiate of reading. I can not imagine, what if his talent in the city no good public libraries. Maybe a talent that will go to waste.
Mike was lucky because the parents and the school environment it is possible that he developed his talent and his interest in electronics.
In 1979, he began studying at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It was here he began to pioneer the rim. In 1984, during a student, Mike participated in the bidding contest automotive giant General Motors. Her project is to design a display system controller computer network. He won and to a prize of labor contract worth 500 thousand U.S. dollars.
With the capital was the result of the employment contract, plus a small loan from the Canadian government and owe it to her parents, Mike with his friend Mike Barnstijn, and Douglas Fregin began to pioneer the rim. One of the achievements of the company, before BlackBerry was successfully developed barcode.
Look, there's always a way to realize a vision. What we need is to formulate a strong vision, sharpen vision, and constantly tries. That's what can we learn from Mike Lazaridis and BlackBerry.
History records many industries in the world's great companies, great inventor finally collapsed. How RIM and BlackBerry survive? Focus and enhance the benefits of the product. "We have employees of 14 thousand people who only think of one product: the BlackBerry and its services," said Mike.
When the economic crisis forcing people melacikan phones, the crowds still leaving a BlackBerry in hand. Why? "BlackBerry five times more efficient, for example, to send and reply to e-mail, and we have a longer lasting battery," said Mike.
face time, see cruelty in Palestinian land
Sunday, May 15, 2011
era, leaving only the face of god in metal and sheet-metal currency
every morning equator no longer calm smile
all down, mourning the death tonight of a lamp and reflection
wild cry of the boy Palestinian and the boys living bone to the third world
tighten the rope was not strong enough compassion
human life is busy playing in another string
herding his wish in the holy land
with defilements smelly trick and murder
who else will be appointed prophet muhammad god if already defined as a final
all I know now is the prophet's hands that have made him a book of life and death
massacred by stock, tools of war, and feasting to the accompaniment of the tears fall tone vengeful boy
Is this era face unexpected
song to the sun
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
sun, perhaps is the beauty that can never be enjoyed. same with the other beauties that not everything can be enjoyed by others. there's always that must not and can not to be touched, seen, or even just thought.
someday I'll be able to be out there and face to face with Matahariku. the neighbors say I was a child vampire who may not be allowed to know more solar energy. my skin was always red and peeling so soon in the sun, that's why I always spend my days in the house. read books that I think are always just a fictional story because I do not know anything that happened out there except the night, and the moon.
what are you thinking
if I approach you and want to share
sing and laugh with you
smile like your face
which kuukir in watermelon fruit when it
sun sun sun
maybe we lover who never met
although we missed each other in the world dumb
sun sun sun
Our story is so sweet
without hate without hate just missed
until we met
in a place without time
you are mine, only mine
My Best Friend
Saturday, May 7, 2011
lean for a moment
This prayer rug on the rod I visit
want to mingle how yesterday you teased me with a sense of shame
and today
it seems you are tired
without wrinkles, I also know how old you
certainly before Adam, before Eve
even prior to heaven and hell
The drizzle that never arrived
Thursday, May 5, 2011
just come on the verge and then lost-threshold kerembangan
the message was about the rigidity stripes
I kept the beauty of the uterus between lightning and the clouds do not split
at night because the defendant
I have gone from tears and laughter
alienate themselves from all kinds of search
disclose always silent quiet intercourse virgin
Weeping Stone
Sunday, April 24, 2011
In a remote village, lived a girl and her mother. The girl was beautiful. Unfortunately, he's very lazy. He did not want to help her mother make a living. Every day she was just dressing up. Every day, she admired her beauty in the mirror. In addition to lazy, she is also spoiled. Whatever is requested, must be granted. Of course, this situation made her very sad.
One day her mother asked her daughter to accompany him to the market. "It's okay, but I do not want to walk together with my mother. My mother had to walk behind me, "he said. Although sad, her mother agreed. They moved them both down the hill hand in hand. The girl walked in front, the mother walked behind, carrying baskets.
Although they are mother and child, they look different. As if they did not come from the same family. How could I not? Her beautiful dress is very nice. Who's her mother's old look and dress is very simple.
On the way, no one greeted them. "Hi pretty girl, whether the person behind you is your mother?" Asked the man. "Of course not. He is the servant, "she said. How sad to hear her mother. But she's just quiet. His heart was crying. That continuously. Any person who greeted and asked who the old lady with her, she always said that aides.
Old-old mother hurt. He also prayed. "Yes, Lord, punish the child who is ungrateful," he said. Mother's prayer was heard. Slowly, her legs turned to stone. The change that occurs from the foot upward. "Mother, mother! Forgive me. Forgive me! "She cried frantically. The girl kept crying and crying. But it's too late. Her whole body was finally turned to stone. Even so, people can still see him shed tears. Therefore the stone was named "Stone Crying"
Situ Bagendit Story
Thursday, April 14, 2011
In ancient times there lived a wealthy widow, named Nyai Bagendit.
He lived in a village in West Java.
Nyai Bagendit have treasures abound.
However, he is very stingy and greedy.
He is also very arrogant, especially on poor people.
One day Nyai Bagendit hold salvation because his property multiply.
When salvation is in progress, there came a beggar.
The situation is very pathetic beggar.
Her body is very skinny and his clothes in tatters.
"Please Nyai, give the food a little slave," the beggar was begging.
Seeing an old beggar, dirty rags into his house, Nyai Bagendit was angry and expelled it beggars.
"Beggars shameless dirty, you go from my house," snapped Nyai Bagendit.
With a sad beggar went away.
The next day society preoccupied with the emergence of a stick stuck in the village street.
Everyone was trying to pull a stick.
However, nothing worked.
Old beggar who asked to eat at Nyai Bagendit reappeared.
Quickly he can revoke it stick.
Immediately exit the shower water is very swift.
The longer the water was getting heavy.
For fear of flood, the villagers were displaced.
Nyai Bagendit a greedy miser and would not leave his house.
He was very fond of his property.
Finally, he sank along with their possessions.
Another resident who survived.
Perhaps, that's the origin of the lake who later called Situ Bagendit.
Mandate: "So people do not be stingy, arrogant, and greedy of wealth."
Value: "Moral, in everyday life."
No humans are born perfect, so keep trying, never give up
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Every few months, the king re-hunting. This time, because it was too excited, the group lost to the king through the state border. Eventually captured by local tribesmen, tribal cannibals. What a fear of the king, he saw several guards have been cut off and boiled. Until the time came for the king, he begged to be freed in exchange for property and territory in the kingdom. However, the people of the tribe of cannibals is not interested in the offer. Until finally, they took off all clothes and shoes king. They were shocked, talking loudly while pointing the thumb of the defective king. King knew of the movements of people were cannibals. Looks like they have a rule not to eat people with disabilities. It's taboo because it could aggravate the condition of their future offspring. Finally the king freed. More precisely, the king actually expelled from the tribe of cannibals that.
King walked to his kingdom as he reflected. He is the only survivor of his entourage. Along the way, the king remembered the speech delivered by his friend first, that accidents always have a good wisdom. Imagine what he has done to a good friend and always think positive. Arriving in the kingdom, the king rushed to the jail and ordered that his friend was released. How sad, the body of his friend is very skinny and his face pale. Although under such conditions, his friend still smiling at him. The king was deeply moved and immediately hugged his friend's limp body was. Sorry, that word is always spoken from the lips of the king many times. Then the king told the events he experienced recently with his entourage. "Friend, I'm so sorry. Apparently once you say is true. Loss of big toe was definitely a silver lining. Please you excuse me for the treatment you receive while in prison. "Hearing the story of a king, a friend was still smiling as he said," It's okay king. It's a good thing. "The king was surprised to hear that answer," How could you not nothing, while you in jail so starvation and forced labor. "Then his friend said, smiling wider," Of course this is a good king. If I'm not in jail, then I would join the group and go hunt the king was beheaded by a tribe of cannibals that! "
Well anyway, if we are able to my little patient, just be patient while waiting for the wisdom of what we experience, then we will become a more personal gracefully. This is what makes the author seeks full with the bounty of Allah to complete the manuscript. Always wished there was a door guidance in every word contained in every string of sentence of this advice. Awakened by the word of God, advice of the scholars and so was the rebound softly the words of D'Masiv, Never Give Up:
No humans are born perfect ..
Do you regret all that has happened ..
We'll never get a heavy ordeal ..
As if life meant nothing anymore ..
Thankful for all that is ..
Life is a gift ..
Stay live this life ..
Doing the best ..
God would not show ..
Greatness and power ..
For those of His servants who wait ..
And do not know despair ..
It is true, life is like a ladder that must go through. Not counted how many steps that have been missed. To be sure, there are still steps that continue to wait. We must do something to traverse the side of a better life. No silence, no deterrent then stopped. Step foot to keep climbing day. Lejitkan themselves to reach achievements. Strengthen the heart to welcome the divine blessing. There is a beginning, there must also end. If the destination has not been found, it is not just another travel option, but it became a requirement!
Starting a Safety Program for Small Business
Thursday, March 31, 2011
There are steps that must be taken for a safety committee and program to be an effective one. These steps will include:
In holding weekly safety meetings and if your business has 10 or fewer employees, it would be beneficial to have employees attend safety committee meetings. Low-hazard workplaces such as office settings may substitute monthly meetings for weekly meetings. Discuss what everyone can do to achieve or maintain a safe, healthful workplace. Focus on just one important topic, such as controlling an existing hazard or identifying an unsafe work practice. If you have a construction business, discuss hazards at the site with the general contractor before you begin a job. Then meet regularly with your crew during the job to discuss any new hazards they may encounter and how to control them.
Take minutes because they are the written record of your committee's activities and accomplishments. It's an easy – but important – task. Minutes can be kept in a simple notebook and should be referred to at each new meeting. These minutes will keep track on progress on unfinished issues.
Make sure that employees receive their regular wages while they attend safety committee meetings. This is law. So if someone comes in to attend from another shift, make sure they receive their pay for the time spent.
All employees, including supervisors, must have a clear understanding and be accountable of the consequences for failing to fulfill their safety and health responsibilities. Make your commitment to workplace safety and health a company policy. Require your employees to follow safe work practices as a condition of employment. Ensure that your employees have the appropriate tools, equipment, and materials to do their jobs safely.
Once implemented, a safety program will become a part of the business everyday process. Through the implementing stages, employees will become a closer team and know they must look after each other. The business will show a better efficiency as well.
Is EDC Gold A Scam Setup - The Wealthfunnelsystem Works
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Unfortunately, majority of people interested in EDC were most likely blind sided by these commitments presented in the EDC site, that they did not go digging for further info. The truth to the matter is thousands of EDC products offered to consumer really have no essential consumer beneficial with no actual high yield or high profit value. In addition of the low value given products, EDC does not provide to its member a proper marketing training program in terms of successful online marketing. Basically EDC hands you the stuff, letting you do the rest without a sense of knowing where to begin the marketing road. Maybe you could contact David Dubbs for direct assistant, but odds are David Dubbs most likely isn't available at anytime. So does other top internet entrepreneur like Chris Campbells, Tim Rohers, Matt Sunderland, Lance Frisbee. Why? Because these top internet entrepreneur can spend time with you due to there entire income is generated from one specific program, NOT members.
So what makes the wealthfunnelsystem differentiate itself from other thousands of internet marketing business? Simple, Derrick Harper and wealthfunnelsystem earn profit by primarily focusing on training member into pro and not the product alone. The Wealthfunnelnetwork delivers to you of 7 streams of income. First stream of revenue guides you to all the fundamental knowledge regards of how to successfully market the potential products properly. Once all of the essential skills has been adapted progressively then the wealth funnel will put you immediately onto streams of 2 3 4 5 6 where these products and services contained of high affiliate rates and sales than EDC GOLD or any other internet market product. These products possessed of quality potential market along with high market saturation and are consumer driven. So there is no need to ever worry of questioning the product if able to market online successfully. Besides of marketing the high potential product you will also given the job to develop your very own team guiding them the same way as the mentor of your have taught you so.
Besides of just earning feasible sells of 997 dollar, you'll additionally receives half of the commission of your team member for every sale being sale when mentor actually didn't contribute anything except providing specific guidelines and instruction. If you ever struggle in a problem require some help immediately, your mentor and Derrick Harper will always be reachable through phone call or leave messages which will respond as soon as possible. Bottom-line, the wealthfunnelsystem does NOT re marketing a business opportunity over and over again going nowhere, plus is MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
10 Tips for a Successful Entrepreneurial Pitch
Sunday, March 27, 2011
If you are pitching investors to give you money for a new venture, you should subscribe to the following rules:
1. Explain exactly what your business is within the first thirty seconds. Many entrepreneurs waste valuable time giving loads of data, background and other info-all the while investors are left scratching their heads thinking "What does this business actually DO?"
2. Tell your audience who your customers will be. Paint a vivid, specific picture of these people.
3. Explain why your customers going to give you there hard-earned money.
4. Explain who your competitors are. (And if you say you have no competitors, that is a certain sign you are unsophisticated and deserve no investment money!)
5. Explain why you are the ONE to make this happen.
6. Give your presentation with confidence and enthusiasm. Investors want a founder/CEO to be a chief salesperson; they want to see that you can convince the world of your dream-not just them.
7. Explain what star you can hitch a ride to. Has Best Buy or Radio Shack agreed to distribute your new product? Investors feel much more comfortable knowing you have an established player willing to distribute your wares.
8. Ask for a specific amount of money. If all you do is ask for money, then you can't complain if an investor gives you $3.25 for a cup of Starbucks coffee.
9. Tell prospects exactly what you are going to spend the money on (hint:a trip to Maui for you and your friends will not impress)
10. Dress well, act confident, and put on the air that you don't really need their money, but would be willing to accept it if they bring enough to the table to be a strategic partner for you. Sad but true regarding human nature, but people are much more likely to give you money if they feel you don't really need it.
Finally, make each pitch presentation serve as a focus group for your next presentation. When one group of investors asks you a series of questions after you pitch, write down all of those questions and make sure most of them are answered in your next pitch so that the next group doesn't have to ask them. Keep pitching and keep improving your pitch and eventually you may get funded.